Bonus question: how much would a company have to pay you for you to give 100% effort at work?

  • @Brkdncr
    55 months ago


    $275k to full tilt. It wouldn’t be worth it because I’d quit in a year.

    • partial_accumen
      4 months ago

      $275k to full tilt. It wouldn’t be worth it because I’d quit in a year.

      $275k would set you for life? You’d be able to put up with a year, but not able to handle one more year and double your money?

      Also $275k is only about $196k after federal taxes and FICA.

      edit: fixed typo

      • @surge_1
        145 months ago

        I think they meant the burn out after a year of full tilt.

      • @CryophiliaOP
        15 months ago

        FICA? FICO is for credit scores.

    • @CryophiliaOP
      15 months ago

      Sounds about right. I went full tilt for about 9 months, because I felt they were paying me enough for it. Recognized signs of burnout, switched to a less stressful role.