The participation seems way down recently. What did I miss?

  • Lightor
    5 months ago

    So ml bans and censors people with opposing views, I mean there’s the answer right there.

    People could be moving away from world, sure. I honestly don’t care as I’ve never seen the extremely heavy handed censor like I’ve seen in ml. I’ve not seen posts about people moving like I have with ml but I could be wrong. At the end of the day it doesn’t impact me much. I’m just as happy to participate in those communities they move to as well, just not ml because of my numerous poor interactions.

    You say world censors more than ml and I appreciate that you have had that experience but it’s not what I’m seeing and it doesn’t seem to be what others are seeing. Censoring happens, I’m not so naive to think it doesn’t. But the things I’ve been banned for saying in ml, and comments I’ve had removed that are literally just saying facts with sources is crazy to me.

    • Cowbee [he/they]
      45 months ago

      My point is that Lemmy is multipolar. It’s divided between the right-leaning instances like and, the left-leaning instances like,,, and dbzer0, and the leftist instances like and Mods and admins on each instance are guilty of maintaining the “instance line.”

      You say world censors more than ml and I appreciate that you have had that experience but it’s not what I’m seeing and it doesn’t seem to be what others are seeing. Censoring happens, I’m not so naive to think it doesn’t. But the things I’ve been banned for saying in ml, and comments I’ve had removed that are literally just saying facts with sources is crazy to me.

      I don’t know how you can read the very clear accounts of censorship I showed you that I personally experienced and claim that it doesn’t happen on, including just saying facts with sources. What is happening here is that you most likely agree with the political views of the mods, and as such don’t see as much issue with liberal censorship of leftism.

      • Lightor
        5 months ago

        I never said it doesn’t happen on world. If fact I said I’m not so naive as to think it doesn’t happen. See, it’s this kind of thing I’m talking about. I never once said world doesn’t censor but you put those words in my mouth and try to use it as a talking point. This is a very common experience on ml for me as well.

        And it’s not me saying things that are for or against any ideology. If a community bans me for saying a fact (not a strong feeling, because the word fact has really been abused) and linking scholarly resources, I won’t participate in that community. More so, if they ban me for having a normal conversation, yeah, I’ll avoid them. I’ve argued with liberals many times on world, haven’t been banned once. I’ve even gone a little far I can admit, no ban. I had one comment removed that was a fair call because I was heated, that’s it. I’ve not experienced any of the nonsensical censorship on world. If I do in the future, I’ll move away from them as well.

        • Cowbee [he/they]
          35 months ago

          I did not say you said it didn’t happen on .world. That’s not my claim. My claim is that every instance censors views outside what the mods deem acceptable based on their own views. only really has a “bad reputation” among the instances with anti-Marxist views, like and dbzer0, as a quick example, just like has a bad reputation in leftist instances.

          I think it’s very difficult to understand the broader inter-instance relationships if you don’t have a decent understanding of Marxist and Anarchist theory, as there are many of both, as well as many Liberals. It isn’t like Reddit where Liberals far outnumber leftists.

          • Lightor
            5 months ago

            I don’t know how you can read the very clear accounts of censorship I showed you that I *personally* experienced and claim that it doesn’t happen on

            I did not say you said it didn’t happen on .world. That’s not my claim.

            I mean, come on.

            Edit: this being down voted shows the very problem of group think. I showed facts and quotes to show an obvious contradiction. Gets down voted. They even admitted to misspeaking , yet here we are, it makes me laugh and it’s how people are driven away. I see this in ML so much.

            • Cowbee [he/they]
              5 months ago

              Bad wording on my part, I restated my intended point. What you see as crazy being censored on, I also have shown what I believe to be crazy censorship on All instances censor along their political lines, you can either go with something like or find the instance that best fits your political beliefs.

              • Lightor
                15 months ago

                Sure, that may be true. But I’ve been censored on ml around non political issues on ml and have attacked liberals and leftists on world without being censored. I’m one person, so my experience isn’t enough to make a broader claim but others have shared similar experiences.

                • Cowbee [he/they]
                  15 months ago

                  And I have explained that is anti-Marxist, and shown clear evidence of them taking action against Marxism. I have also managed to attack liberals on and have gotten away with it, but even expressing the same opinion on different posts can get you crossed off the list of a mod having a power trip.

                  My point is that you can’t remove bias from mods.

                  If you consider yourself an Anarchist, for instance, you’d likely be better served on Hexbear, dbzer0, slrpnk, etc than, for example, just like I’m unwelcome on for being a Marxist.

                  • Lightor
                    15 months ago

                    I’m talking about normal comments. Remove politics at all. Both communities have what we can call “conversations about benign things.” I’ve seen more censorship in ml than world in that area.

                    Then if we do go to politics, I can attack both sides on “home turf” and only receive bans from one side. Sure my user is a .world user, no idea if that factors in. I’ve just seen a difference in how the two approach similar situations and in don’t agree with how ml has handled those. That’s really all it is for me. I could be wrong and like I said, if I see world censoring in a way I disagree with I’d treat them just the same.

                    I don’t know if I’d consider myself anarchist. My views don’t seem to fit into one of the labels going around very well. I find myself agreeing with parts of multiple stances. And disagreeing with parts of multiple stances, which is where my different experiences with censoring come in.

                    I’m not saying you’re wrong or even that ml is a bad place. I’m just sharing my experience and reasoning for avoiding it. Other may agree or disagree, I’m not the source of truth by any means haha. But I’d really love to see the censorship toned down in general, across the board.