The 3DS has such an extensive library of games, and I used to play it so much as my favorite console back when it first came out.

This year with the eShop closing, I went on a bit of a spending spree and picked up a lot of games for it.

Currently I’m playing through Detective Pikachu and am almost near the end. This game is surprisingly better than I thought it would be, as I’ll admit my curiosity to play it was first formed when I played Ace Attorney on 3DS, and then of course with the Ryan Reynolds movie a few years back.

After I put this one down, it’s time for Tales of Abyss - a game I’ve owned for so long but never played.

  • @CatZoomiesOP
    2 years ago

    I never thought to try out the Sims on the DS. My only exposure to Sims was the first one back on PC, and Sims 4, but I never really got into them. I’m always looking for a good game to keep on the side as a portable, relaxing game to play so I’ll certainly check this one out.

    I haven’t played Professor Layton, but my spouse says they love it. I introduced my spouse to Phoenix Wright, so I think if you like either of those titles you’ll like the other. Since I’m close to finishing up Detective Pikachu, I think it’s about time I juggle Professor Layton and Tales of the Abyss simultaneously.

    • dbx12
      12 years ago

      Just as a heads-up, when you play Sims on DS, don’t expect the experience you know from PC. It is more like a RPG than a “life Simulator”, so maybe that suits you better.