• @Sightline
    15 months ago

    It is out, get on youtube and watch someone play.

    • @pyre
      5 months ago

      it’s out? I can finally buy the finished product? awesome! I couldn’t find it on steam though. surely it must have come out on steam, such a big release.

      maybe I’m typing “star citizen” wrong. could you link me to the store page? thank you for informing me, I’m so ready to take back everything I said once I start playing.

      • @orrk
        -15 months ago

        considering the amount of people already playing SC, I wouldn’t expect it to be on steam, but that’s also not what they said, is it?

        must be the world’s worst scam if they are actually spending money to make something.

        • @pyre
          25 months ago

          i don’t care about people alpha testing unfinished games. I’ve been talking about release. they said “it’s out”. where is it. what’s the plan. when was it finished. why is it not out. stop trying to feed me bullshit, you’re confusing me with someone who lives on hype alone. if I were I’d be playing the star citizen half-game myself.

          • @orrk
            -15 months ago

            I mean you don’t live on hype, neither do i, but you do live on hate, as someone else here already pointed out, in fact you seem to engaged by hating this game, and anyone who likes it, it seems unhealthy. idk, maybe do some introspection if the yearly star citizen clickbait makes you rage to this degree and consider not using the web for a while, and seeing the rest of your comments across the site only backs up this assessment.

            you have called for people to be jailed due to not making the games you want, ffs

            • @pyre
              15 months ago

              hate? what’s with you guys weirdly anthropomorphizing a game that’s only maybe halfway done in a decade? you got too invested, too attached maybe, that someone calling it a scam seems “hateful” however that works? rage? lol wtf have you seen anyone rage before, mate? calling something a scam is not personal, it’s not even an attack. and it’s definitely something I live on. I have called people to be jailed for swindling.

              how much money has this game extracted from dummies over the past decade? how much money’s worth is “playable”? I was gonna say “out” since that was the original claim but obviously the answer is zero. the games not out. but I’ll settle for playable since apparently you guys have already given up hope on an actual release and have settled on playing half baked demos bit by bit.

              pointing out that you’re being scammed is not hate. it’s a wake up call. I understand though, an alarm clock seems hateful to me too when I’m enjoying my dream too much.

              you should see me talk about the cybertruck.

              • @orrk
                -15 months ago

                you called Ubisoft to be jailed because they dissolved your favorite game studios, also your entire basis in calling it a scam is it not being done in a time span to your liking, what else is this but a poor excuse for you to dogpile some hate on something other?

                • @pyre
                  15 months ago

                  sorry i didnt realize you were rummaging through my comment history to find something to attack because you cant come up with a good argument in the relevant conversation so i thought you meant i was talking about this scam.

                  I don’t know what depths of your ass you pulled that the team of the latest prince of persia is my “favorite game studio”. I think you should be jailed for playing with people’s livelihoods despite their success merely for more profit, yes.

                  a time span to my liking? how about any time span? tell me when it’s coming out mate. where’s the plan? you don’t know why I’m calling it a scam, you don’t know what I criticized about it… why is it so hard for you to follow a conversation?

                  • @orrk
                    15 months ago

                    I wouldn’t say running through, I did see it while looking at other stuff tho

                    and yes, a time span to your liking, because you clearly don’t actually care about any of the work they are doing, so by your definition anything you see that’s not already done the first time you see it is a scam that should get someone tossed in jail