A vote for Jill Stein, Cornel West, Oliver Chase, or not voting, is a vote for Trump. Palestinian lives don’t matter to Trump, nor do they really matter to Harris; however in general, Harris will be better for Americans than Trump, so vote for Harris.

A vote for Jill Stein, Cornel West, Oliver Chase, or not voting, is a vote for Trump.

Just as a vote for Nader was a vote for Bush.

Imagine if Nader didn’t run. Imagine there was no Green Party candidate for US President.

Gore would have probably won, and America would have been the better for it. Probably no Iraq war, maybe not even a 911. As a result Iran probably wouldn’t be as strong, and Putin probably would have less to legitimately oppose about the US, and would himself be seen as less legitimate—indeed Ukraine might still be whole today.

A new Green deal would probably be in full swing.

Granted, Harris doesn’t really care about Palestinians, and some elements of the Democratic party care even less; but Trump cares even less than Harris, and what he will do to the US will be worse.

So while Israel massacres civilians and steals more land, at least under Harris American women would still more easily get abortions, we will have fewer TGs committing suicide (maybe), and health care will be a little more universal.

Also with the 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, the Big 3 will be able to better produce good inexpensive cars (as they’ve been at least somewhat intending these past several decades), and fascism will have less of a hold on the US.

Therefore: vote for Harris.

If you are a progressive: vote for Harris.

If you are an environmentalist: vote for Harris.

If you are a libertarian: vote for Harris.

If you support voting reforms such as proportional representation, rank balloting, the abolition of the Electoral College, and/or more political diversity: vote for Harris.

If you are nauseated at the idea of voting for Harris: take a barf bag with you while you vote for Harris.

If you are a Palestinian-American who has a relative who was injured, maimed, or even murdered, in Gaza, you should still vote for Harris, because again, Trump doesn’t care about them either, but at least you, as an American citizen, will get a better deal Harris than under Trump.

(I’m not entirely sure if I agree with all the above, but I find it hard to refute.)

  • @TropicalDingdong
    -1220 hours ago

    Discussing how reality works is not bullying.

    Oh I assure you, what OP (and somewhat yourself) is doing IS bullying. Right now the Green’s are polling at sub 1%. Without looking anything up, can you tell me who the libertarian candidate is and how they are polling? I bet you cant.

    Quite literally, the Libertarians beat the Greens in every single one of each electoral college race, usually by 2-3x the count of votes. There were no spoilers in 2016, only a shitty candidate and an even shittier party (and their apologists) who don’t want to be held accountable for forcing deeply unpopular candidates on the electorate.

    Right now Lemmy is running with this schtict because they see the writing on the wall and its clear Harris isn’t going to win. And its Harris’s fucking fault and we’re all going to suffer the consequences for it. Harris could have distanced herself from Biden and taken a better stance: she created this situation we’re in right now, no one else. Its not Jill Stein or the green’s fault if Harris loses. Its not Muslim americans or actual progressives fault. It will be Harris’s and her army of apologists who instead of demanding better from the candidate (so we can actually get her elected), demanded little and less and blamed other for their failure, to the detriment of us all.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -1020 hours ago

        Gary Johnson, 2.4%

        Jill Stein, 0.8%

        If you are going to claim Stein as a spoiler (which is arguable, separate conversation), you have to also accept then that Johnson also is a spoiler.

        In which case Trump would have won handily.

        • @[email protected]
          720 hours ago

          Now you’re getting it. When did I suggest I wouldn’t?

          I discussed the spoiling effect in FPTP elections, and refuted the sub 1% comment.

        • @grue
          216 hours ago

          If you are going to claim Stein as a spoiler (which is arguable, separate conversation), you have to also accept then that Johnson also is a spoiler.

          No shit, Sherlock!

          In which case Trump would have won handily.

          Except for the part where Trump is the polar fucking opposite of Gary Johnson and there’s no good reason to think that Johnson votes would’ve gone to Trump.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            -112 hours ago

            Do you see how you have one set of rules for Stein voters and a second set of rules for Johnson voters to construct the narrative you want?