• @PunchingWood
    2 hours ago

    Ehh… lack of user reviews are exactly what made OpenCritic better than MetaCritic.

    It will probably just end up the same as MetaCritic. Where anyone, including people who never played the game, can leave reviews. And it’ll sooner or later just degrade into yet another review-bombing platform where you’ll find absolutely nothing constructive in the user reviews (both negative and positive review spam).

    Also, walling the user score details behind a forced registration is just shit tier level. Apparently that’s just to post reviews, can’t see individual user reviews yet I think(?)

    I’m curious what argument the people that are just downvoting comments in this thread actually have. These days nothing good comes from gaming platforms that have user reviews. It’s just a cesspool of haters, trolls and fanboys circlejerking over 0s or 10s and hardly anything constructive and unbiased in between.