• @Viking_Hippie
    1 hour ago

    The royal family costs the UK tax payer 77p per year

    If you believe that, I have a palace in Buckinghamshire to sell you 🙄

    most people aren’t outraged by that.

    Because it’s utter horse shit.

    It can be argued that (repeats the same tired arguments that everyone’s heard a billion times before)

    Yes, it can, but it shouldn’t. None of that justifies wasting billions of pounds on the royal family and letting them own most of the country tax free while enforcing austerity politics on an increasingly impoverished population with a deepening housing crisis.

    It’s a grotesque waste of desperately needed resources and land.

    For the record, I’m not for or against the UK monarchy

    Yeah, I can tell by how you spent your first sentence making up an outrageous lie about how much of a financier drain on society they are, your second paragraph repeating all the usual pro- monarchy clichés, and the third disowning the second.

    Thanks for wasting my time and that of anyone else reading it with your wishy-washy nonsense.