Help make this the year that Texas flips for senate and or for president!

  • @coolkicks
    194 months ago

    I’m in a deep purple area, 49.5 to 49.0% in favor of Biden in 2020. I’ve tried to vote twice so far this week between meetings and the line was wrapped around the building, I’ve never seen it like this.

    • @Illogicalbit
      74 months ago

      You should only vote once. I hear they get angry if you do it multiple times. /s.

      In all seriousness though, please vote! Some counties even show how busy the polls are online.

      • @coolkicks
        24 months ago

        Good call on wait times on the website. 5 minutes further away there was no wait time vs 45 minutes nearest to me. Easy peasy.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      54 months ago

      I think one other time I had to wait in a terribly long line. Maybe it was 2008. I think many were amped to vote for the first black President but the battle was too uphill. McCain was also a pretty stand-up guy compared to, well, most of the GOP at this point.