I’ve been doing the crossword, spelling bee, and wordle for a long time, but I just started doing letter boxed about a week ago. Any tips to help me get better?

  • @WandersFarM
    32 years ago

    Look out for affixes. For example, the past tense of most verbs ends in -ed. And many words also begin with the prefix de- so if you’ve got a d, that’s a decent place to start building your solution around.

    Ditto for s, which is the most common plural suffix.

    My personal strategy is to first take stock: How many vowels and liquids (L & R) do I have; are there any weird consonants to manage? (Q, W, Z, X, V)

    I try to get as many of the difficult letters as I can in my first word, then build the second word out of the easier leftovers. The anchor letters (S & D as described above, among others) are key to connecting the words.

    • @BigRedDog
      32 years ago

      Another thing I like to do is look for 4 letter words that are commonly part of compound words -e.g boat. Or common suffixes - e.g “ful”, “tion” etc.