• @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    Speed bumps suck. Especially for cyclists. While lifted bro-dozer trucks can just cruise over them.
    To slow down drivers, create horizontal barriers (choke points), not vertical ones.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Fair and valid point I had not considered. I guess I’d prefer to have a separated bike lane with proper dividers anyway, but either way, you raise a point I had not considered.

    • @Omgpwnies
      24 months ago

      not even bro-dozer trucks, I have a un-modified (unless you count dents and rust) ~10y old pickup and a fairly new ‘sporty’ sedan (i.e. low-profile tires, stiff suspension, somewhat lower to the ground). Sedan has to come almost to a stop or I will scrape something. In the pickup slowing down is optional (though I do because regardless of speed bumps I don’t want to hit someone)

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      They also slow down emergency vehicles as much as everyone else. There’s some arguments that they cause more deaths than they save. Not sure on the actual numbers for that, though.