From Paul Bannick

Northern Pygmy-Owl Fledglings (Glaucidiunm gnoma)

Two fledgling Pygmy Owls roost together moments hours after leaving their nest. Pygmy-Owls are among the few owls that can fly from the nest, but even they often end upon the ground during their first weeks and must climb leaning trees to safety.

As we reduce fuel loads to help control forest fires, we must retain standing dead trees for nests and learning trees and snags for young flightless owls to use to get themselves off of the dangerous ground.

  • anon6789OP
    4 months ago

    If the back of the heads look a bit funny at this angle, those are the “false eyes” known as ocelli.

    A number of birds have them. You can read about them here in this Audubon article.