This kid still works for the company and his parents don’t “blame” the company, saying it could have happened to anyone…

  • @[email protected]
    184 months ago

    It’s mind boggling how lenient a so called progressive state is with children laboring and getting maimed.

    The article is whiplash inducing with its crappy format, but I managed to slog through enough of the trash writing to learn this company is in perpetual violation for overworking kids and ignoring safety.

    • snooggums
      4 months ago

      The whole country has bought into the idea that the economy is the only thing that matters which leads to acceptance of workplace injuries, anti union efforts, opposing safety regulations, and destroying the environment even in places where other progressive support for human rights are supported.

      That is why the family is fine with it and the state regulatory agency isn’t really holding the company accountable, just issuing some slap on the wrist fines.