• @Crankenstein
    85 months ago

    Ah yes, the Balkanization strategy. Cause that worked out so well the last time.

    • OneMeaningManyNames
      -25 months ago

      Some call it Vulcanization, others call it Deprogramming the Trump Cult victims and rehabilitate them into the decent society, if possible.

      • @Crankenstein
        35 months ago

        What? Do you even know what Balkanization is?

        What does the breaking up of a larger nation into multiple independent, hostile territories have to do with changing people’s political ideologies?

        • OneMeaningManyNames
          -35 months ago

          So this is what Vulcanization is? Are you weirdly worked up about this topic?

          Like all these people were happily Yugoslavs and somebody fueled the** different nationalisms** in them to break them up? How does this** compare even remotely** to the American situation?

          In America you have several states that oppress their own people because they stand fundamentally against constitutional democracy, freedom of religion, abolition of slavery, gender equality, climate science, endocrinology, …add here whatever the average christofascist hates in order to feel righteous and murderous.

          In that they explicitly want to undo modernity and bring society back to the Dark Ages, they are basically the equivalent of the Islamic State in every aspect, except for the flavor of Abrahamic OS they run on their state apparatus.

          So instead of telling normal people (leftists, scientists, muslims, gay, trans, intersex) to tolerate those weird freaks, why don’t you go preach to oppressed Arab populations to find some common ground with ISIS, and GTFO ?

          • @Crankenstein
            15 months ago

            Vulcanization is a chemical process of rubber by treating it with sulfur. You have no clue what you are talking about and it is obvious. You want to call me worked up?

            How about you stop getting so worked up trying to be morally righteous, fighting ghosts of your own creation and “GTFO” with your fallacious assumptions misrepresenting my argument. None ever said that we have to tolerate fascists.

            Did you just not fucking read the top comment in this thread by shikotohno, that specifically said to rely on BALKANIZATION, the process of a country breaking up into smaller, often hostile, independent units typically due to economic, religious, or geopolitical interests, to solve the political strife within the country, or are you just daft?

            The strat isn’t to give up and acquiesce to letting them have their own playground to perpetuate their oppression, just because it isn’t happening in your backyard, at the cost of sacrificing hundreds of thousands of innocent people trapped within the regions. You can’t “Deprogram the Trump Cult victims and rehabilitate them into the decent society” if you give the Trump cult their own independent region.