What I see is that someone is arguing the point that all Russians are criminals. If someone is sending bad code, they usually just get banned, this time it’s preventive measures based on ethnicity.
Even Wikipedia, which is a shockingly bloodthirsty pro-NATO outlet, admits there is zero proof that a “Russian state actor” did this, there are just “western security experts” claiming it (as usual), and opinion is divided.
Did you even read this or do you just vaguely remember a Wired article? I have been able to see through these obvious ploys since I was a teenager reading about cold war propaganda (okay that was like 5 years ago but still SMDH)
Great sign for discussion that hacking is still being treated by Redditors as Russian, Chinese, and North Korean until proven otherwise. 🤕
@griefstricken@chaogomu Seems to me, after the Stuxnet incident, any US claims of bad foreign actors are a bad case of the pot calling the kettle black.
The funny thing is Stuxnet is a good example of how sanctions can backfire. We used a supply chain attack and the Iranians hardened their systems. Can anyone really claim it was any different than another Mossad “humiliate them and hope something happens” operation that ultimately blew the cover off years of intelligence work?
The Lebanon pagers attack, Russian sanctions and CERN or Linux creating reverse brain drain will continue to backfire, on our ability to even twist these screws, also on our supply chains in countries which consider themselves a US target or even just a middleman.
Even Wikipedia, which is a shockingly bloodthirsty pro-NATO outlet, admits there is zero proof that a “Russian state actor” did this, there are just “western security experts” claiming it (as usual), and opinion is divided.
Well, I don’t think that a “[insert your preferred state] state actor” would ever coming out saying “yes, we tried to to it”.
Not to say that what Wikipedia say is false but on the other hand I am not sure how to check if it is true, in these cases.
It’s literally just speculation. Even if it were true, what the fuck does that have to do with the nationality of a few Linux contributors? Have you people cracked?
I don’t trust them considering their enthusiasm over it and the comments about Finnish history. Go read “Finnisu Civil War: History, Memory, Legacy” by Tepora and try to laugh at the comments about history. Impossible.
I don’t trust them considering their enthusiasm over it and the comments about Finnish history.
If, as it seems to emerge, they are “forced” to do it under legal advise, it is completely irrelevant that you (or anybody else for that matter) trust them or not.
About their “enthusiasm”, all I can see is that after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia is not sees as that friendly and trustworthy anymore: they had a signed treaty with Ukraine to preserve Ukranian integrity in exchange of the nuclear weapons (from URSS), we see how much Russia valued their own word. I cannot blame someone from a country which share a border with Russia for not having simpaty for Russia.
True, someone innocent will pay, but it is not that different from having Russian scientist turned away from CERN or any other situation where there was a collaboration. It is sad but on the other hand it is a consequence.
Go read “Finnisu Civil War: History, Memory, Legacy” by Tepora and try to laugh at the comments about history. Impossible.
As you cannot laugh to any other memory of any other war.
Or maybe some Russian State backed programmers have tried to slip in backdoors in various key systems, numerous times. Including one that almost went live on millions of machines.
But where do you have information that it was russian state? There are many state actors capable of doing this. Just saying
it isn’t like Americans would do that, right?
What I see is that someone is arguing the point that all Russians are criminals. If someone is sending bad code, they usually just get banned, this time it’s preventive measures based on ethnicity.
Even Wikipedia, which is a shockingly bloodthirsty pro-NATO outlet, admits there is zero proof that a “Russian state actor” did this, there are just “western security experts” claiming it (as usual), and opinion is divided.
Did you even read this or do you just vaguely remember a Wired article? I have been able to see through these obvious ploys since I was a teenager reading about cold war propaganda (okay that was like 5 years ago but still SMDH)
Great sign for discussion that hacking is still being treated by Redditors as Russian, Chinese, and North Korean until proven otherwise. 🤕
@griefstricken @chaogomu Seems to me, after the Stuxnet incident, any US claims of bad foreign actors are a bad case of the pot calling the kettle black.
The funny thing is Stuxnet is a good example of how sanctions can backfire. We used a supply chain attack and the Iranians hardened their systems. Can anyone really claim it was any different than another Mossad “humiliate them and hope something happens” operation that ultimately blew the cover off years of intelligence work?
The Lebanon pagers attack, Russian sanctions and CERN or Linux creating reverse brain drain will continue to backfire, on our ability to even twist these screws, also on our supply chains in countries which consider themselves a US target or even just a middleman.
I wonder if there are any official US documents declaring an intent to hide cyberattacks under the flags of foreign nations? 🤭 Wouldn’t that be droll?
Well, I don’t think that a “[insert your preferred state] state actor” would ever coming out saying “yes, we tried to to it”.
Not to say that what Wikipedia say is false but on the other hand I am not sure how to check if it is true, in these cases.
It’s literally just speculation. Even if it were true, what the fuck does that have to do with the nationality of a few Linux contributors? Have you people cracked?
I agree.
Probably nothing, I agree. But since there are sanctions against Russia I suppose they have not really any other choice.
Is that sad ? Yes, but it is life.
By keep it vague and saying their hands are tied they also get to dodge any kind of scutiny on what decisions they actually made before doing this.
True, but sometimes you have not any other choice.
I don’t trust them considering their enthusiasm over it and the comments about Finnish history. Go read “Finnisu Civil War: History, Memory, Legacy” by Tepora and try to laugh at the comments about history. Impossible.
If, as it seems to emerge, they are “forced” to do it under legal advise, it is completely irrelevant that you (or anybody else for that matter) trust them or not.
About their “enthusiasm”, all I can see is that after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia is not sees as that friendly and trustworthy anymore: they had a signed treaty with Ukraine to preserve Ukranian integrity in exchange of the nuclear weapons (from URSS), we see how much Russia valued their own word. I cannot blame someone from a country which share a border with Russia for not having simpaty for Russia.
True, someone innocent will pay, but it is not that different from having Russian scientist turned away from CERN or any other situation where there was a collaboration. It is sad but on the other hand it is a consequence.
As you cannot laugh to any other memory of any other war.