• @UnpopularCrow
    1589 hours ago

    In a normal world he would be in prison for treason. There is no way he wasn’t aware of what was happening when he was being paid 100,000 a week.

    • @[email protected]
      136 hours ago

      It’s not treason, they haven’t interfered with the government or leaked secrets, that I’m aware of. They spread misinformation, but beyond that nothing illegal

      • @Doomsider
        115 hours ago

        Taking large amounts of money from foreign nationals to spread misinformation is beyond just being unethical. Getting paid $2,500 an hour is obviously fraudulent.

        There are definitely laws that could be twisted to charge them but we really should codify this so there is no question about its legality.

      • @UnpopularCrow
        205 hours ago

        According to U.S. code:

        Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

        He is taking money from Russia, who is an enemy of United States, and has the intent to undermine the current government and this year’s election. He didn’t report it and benefited financially from it. Sounds like it fits the code well to me.

    • @Donkter
      267 hours ago

      I mean the silver lining / horrifying truth is that they aren’t able to support their show with the audience they have. The movement to prop them up is losing money on it and is not effective.

      • @AbidanYre
        146 hours ago

        It’s effective enough that Trump is a coin flip away from being president again

        • @Donkter
          6 hours ago

          Unfortunately, these shows aren’t why it’s a coin flip. The tim cast channel has just over 1 million subscribers and the recent episodes struggle to crack 100k on the best days.

          The reason the election is a coinflip is cause there’s swathes of the US that are barely connected to any form of media except fox news and spend their days in ultra-conservative ultra-religious echo chambers.

          Don’t get me wrong, the foreign and domestic shadowy investment money is working, just not the portion that was allocated to propping up the tim cast.

          • @rf_
            44 hours ago

            A million subscribers in the swing states is not easily dismissed. If the election was just a popular vote I’d agree, his numbers are inconsequential. But unfortunately it’s the swing states that really matter for the presidential election.

    • @kescusay
      629 hours ago

      I don’t understand these guys. They know what they’re doing, and they know it’s to help a sick and despotic country wreck the United States. If that effort is successful… what do they think their dollars will be worth when the “full faith and credit of the United States of America” no longer means anything?

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        688 hours ago

        These motherfuckers can’t see further than their nose. It’s a common problem with the right wing. Their motto should be “Modern problems require shortsighted solutions.”

      • @ceenote
        318 hours ago

        “Fuck em, I got mine.”

      • @[email protected]
        47 hours ago

        Cash money, for the next several quarters. Or they’re converting to crypto, I’m guessing.

      • @[email protected]
        86 hours ago

        I think they kind of were honestly, the goobers didn’t even last two years before getting busted.

    • FenrirIII
      27 hours ago

      They’re Republican operators, there are no laws applicable to them when the DOJ is run by a Republican