• @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Why is it a strawman? Are you saying that doesn’t happen? I’ve read a fair number of respectable sources saying it does. If not, where do the “study shows coffee causes cancer” and “study shows coffee cures cancer” articles come from? Are you just being contrarian, because Science™ is now a blue MAGA v original flavor MAGA political thing? What’s the angle here?

    • @GrammarPolice
      45 hours ago

      Bro, what point are you actually arguing against? The person you replied to never made a point about research bureaucracy.

      Google ignoratio elenchi

      • @[email protected]
        -65 hours ago

        I’m not trying to take a side in some weird internet flat earther thing, I’m just saying like Thomas Kuhn has a point in Structure of Scientific Revolutions… I’m not a Lacannian, but based on the one Slavoj Zizek talk I saw in grad school about his triad of reality, my understanding is he also had pretty good points about the inherent unreliability of second order reality, which is inherently run by some manner of corruptible authority, that addresses the same concern that research can be institutionally tainted and biased by the structures within which they exist… Capitalism is provably directly producing unscientific research at research institutions, especially in health contexts that have the most direct impact on people materially… Just look at the Perdue Oxycontin studies.

        • @lunarul
          24 hours ago

          Capitalism is provably directly producing unscientific research at research institutions,

          So you agree the second statement is not really about science.

          • @[email protected]
            3 hours ago

            The fact that you are this thorny about besmirching the name of Science in vain is sooooo telling.

            Yes, I agree, it is not Science as per The Enlightenment, what I as a pedant, call inductive reasoning, but when Neil goes out there telling you to wear a mask, is that backed by Science™, unless he’s taking Science’s name in vain (he was)? Science is inductively reasoned truth to what extent it is truth, and the very people who want to lecture us about Science™ want to throw things at the wall intuitively like shamen to calm us, and dictate what we should know for fear of our behavior, like an unordained Sangha using effective means to guide children

            Edit disclaimer: I’m in no way antivax, I had em all you should too, and especially kids, but those are legit 95% certainty PROPER science as per claimed efficacy

    • EleventhHour
      5 hours ago

      I very clearly explained the strawman.

      Just because I pointed out that your argument is flawed doesn’t make me Maga or some kind of Trump supporter. It just means you made a bad argument.

      • @[email protected]
        4 hours ago

        In what regard? Is this trolling? I am legitimately confused, which leads me to think you’re one of the abusive Cheney Dems on this platform, but I am open to other interpretations if you provide me room for that…

        • @LengAwaits
          13 hours ago

          I have no horse in this race, topically speaking, but your continual return to name-calling (“Cheney Dems”, “Blue MAGA”) belies your attempt to come across as a good-faith participant in this discussion. There are people out there that think differently than you, and there always will be. Using pejoratives, reducing people you don’t know to mere “thought-terminating cliches”, is not conducive to civil discussion or persuasive dialectics.

        • EleventhHour
          14 hours ago

          If you’re going to ignore everything, I’ve already said, I see no reason to continue. You’re obviously arguing in bad faith, and I’m not going to enable that compulsion.

          • @[email protected]
            -13 hours ago

            I am legit confused about this outrage, ELI5, please… I am legit not arguing in bad faith and am seriously confused, but I did not google your thing because I am lazy and don’t care if this meme is some cancelled thing I was arguing the underlying point that as per Kuhn, Scientific stuff is within a cultural/economic/geographical, yada yada like all human activity

            • EleventhHour
              13 hours ago

              You coming history indicates otherwise