• @urno
    385 months ago

    All of this was true in 2016 and it didn’t seem to matter then!

    • @shalafi
      295 months ago

      No it wasn’t. Trump wasn’t remotely as unstable as he’s been in just the past months. Sure, he said stupid and outrageous things, even wildly illogical things, but not like this.

      • @[email protected]
        185 months ago

        Yeah, trump wasnt saying stupid shit like “i wonder if we could get the bleach into peoples lungs” and “covid will go away by easter, like magic” back then

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          At that time we already knew about the central park five too, Trump took out giant newspaper ads to try and get five people killed because they weren’t white. This didn’t deter nearly enough people, and his share of poc votes only grew after his first term too. At some point I have to think this is who we are, or at the very least this is who half of us are.

      • Optional
        95 months ago

        I mean - I disagree it wasn’t like this. It was exactly like this. It’s worse, yeah, but this same statement could very well have been made in 2016 and would have been just as true:

        “If it wasn’t clear by his erratic, self-obsessed behavior, his pathological lying, his lack of moral conscience, his assaults of women, and his blatant disregard for the safety of others, more than 200 experts agree that he is unfit for office,” Conway said. “Voters need to recognize the threat we face electing this deranged man.”

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        It was exactly like this in 2016. It was just a lot harder for laymen to spot. Many clinicians discussed feeling a responsibility to warn vs interpretation of the “Goldwater Rule”.