A poll from the Art & Science Group released this month showed 28 percent of students ruled out a school due to the politics of the state the college is in. Among those who excluded certain schools, 75 percent of liberals avoided ones they saw as too far to the right on abortion rights or LGBTQ issues, while 66 percent of conservatives crossed off colleges in states they labeled as too Democratic, too liberal on LGBTQ issues or too lenient on crime.

Texas was the most frequently excluded state, with 31 percent of those who eliminated schools based on state saying it was a dealbreaker for them. The other states that were ruled out by 15 percent or more were Alabama, California, Florida and New York.

  • @[email protected]
    3419 hours ago

    Texas was the most frequently excluded state, with 31 percent of those who eliminated schools based on state saying it was a dealbreaker for them. The other states that were ruled out by 15 percent or more were Alabama, California, Florida and New York.

    Imagine ruling out California or NY because the state isn’t authoritarian enough. Both offer experiences that substantially don’t exist anywhere else (especially NY) and you won’t go there because a queer kid might be in your class and it’s not ok to pick on them. Holy shit, we can’t have that!

    • Bob Robertson IX
      717 hours ago

      66 percent of conservatives crossed off colleges in states they labeled as too Democratic

      Do they think that because ‘Democrats’ are bad that Democracy must be bad? Is this really a thing that the Red Caps are actually saying they are against Democracy? And… are they are going to vote on it?

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        Republicans have been quoted more than once and by more than one person saying; The USA is not a Democracy but a Republic. It’s weird.

        • JackbyDev
          27 hours ago

          It’s so insane the mental gymnastics people do so their party name aligns with what they call their government type. Meanwhile, we both directly vote on issues like a Democracy and elect people to represent us like a Republic.

          • @[email protected]
            17 hours ago

            But if we are being totally honest, because of the disparaging wealth gap, it’s really an Oligarchy. Run by a few corporate personhoods.

        • Bob Robertson IX
          38 hours ago

          No wonder marketing works so well on morons.

          All Democrats should quit the Democrat Party and instead form the Tough Guys Party.

          Why would you vote Republican when you can vote for the Tough Guys?!