
im really tired of google music and spotify, and want to self host my downloaded music and create my library.

however, i know nothing about self hosting. My knowledge is absolutely zero. And Im completely lost about how to self host my own music. Dont find any good tutorial for dummies and i have a lot of question. I dont understand nothing. I see the tutorials of Navidrome and Ampache and still understand nothing. All of that looks extremely complicated to me.

How can i self host my music? I need to pay something? A very old and slow pc is enough?

Im completely lost. If someone can suggest something - like a tutorial , dunno - to build/self host my own music I appreciate a lot.


  • AmbiguousProps
    1319 hours ago

    There are many different ways, but personally (and hopefully I don’t get crucified for saying this) I use Plex and Plexamp. Plexamp has got to be the best music app I’ve ever used. I even tied it into Last.fm to get recommendations for new music based on my listening.

    You’d need to set up Plex media server to go this route: https://support.plex.tv/articles/200264746-quick-start-step-by-step-guides/

    Personally I host via Docker.

    It might be a little overkill if you don’t have other media, though, and it’s not fully open source.

    • @greedytacothief
      12 hours ago

      I use Plex and jellyfin, honestly, plex only stays around because of plexamp. It’s just too good. I don’t like using streaming apps like Spotify or whatever because they’re not as good

    • @tomkatt
      17 hours ago

      Not necessarily overkill, you can run Plex on almost anything. I used to run it on an old NUC6 I had laying around, then upgraded to a NUC8, and more recently I setup it up as a VM on Proxmox on a Ryzen 5700u mini-PC and just reimported the DB.

      Virtualizing it has been good for my purposes since now it’s running alongside AssetUPnP, AudioBookshelf, and a dockerized squeezelite setup, and I’ve another VM on the host running Home Assistant with still plenty of resources to spare. Crazy we can do that now with a “server” that literally fits in my palm.

      But virtualizing it makes hardware acceleration for video transcode be I more complicated, just a heads up. I play everything native so don’t use it, but YMMV.


      Edit - Plexamp is an awesome radio/DJ player, though I generally send to a Wiim Mini, as AirPlay quality with Plexamp can be kind of ass compared to direct DLNA.