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  • @hperrin
    33 hours ago

    If you want a usable mail for all your accounts that is also spam resistant, may I recommend https://port87.com

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      41 hour ago

      Or just buy a domain for like $12 and use it for catch-all email. My custom domain routes everything to a single inbox, and I can tailor the email address specifically to who/what I’m making an account for. And if I ever see spam hit that address, I can just set a rule to automatically spam anything that comes in at that address.

      For example, maybe I sign up for a Target account using Target@[mydomain]. Then a few weeks later, I see spam addressed to Target@[mydomain]. I now know Target has sold my info, and I can automatically route everything addressed to Target@[mydomain] directly to spam. Now I have no more spam hitting my inbox, because it all automatically gets sent straight to spam.

      • @ElectricTrombone
        239 minutes ago

        What happens if you need to place an order using your Target account. Wouldn’t your receipt and shipping confirmation also go to that spam folder?