It’s been a long ol time since I’ve known any lesbians well enough to ask such things, but I followed my brain down a weird line of inquiry, and got to wondering about the current state of the art for the gay gals. I guess I had always assumed it was similar to the dynamics of a gay guy relationship, but then I realized that since men have both an input and an output, they can choose, but it’s mechanically a bit different for cis women. Is there any relationship between that, and the slightly more masculine versus feminine flavors? Asking for a friend, who is me. I want to know. Thanks.

  • @shalafi
    13 months ago

    C’mon OP, every sort of human sexual interaction has dynamics like this. Top or bottom, submissive or dominant, switching it up, all that, we humans do it.

    • @stoicmaverickOP
      73 months ago

      You sound like an alien on its first trip to earth trying to “blend in”