Honestly I use partner or spouse mostly because I can’t remember if fiance or fiancee is correct and it won’t stick in my head properly. Calling her my girlfriend makes her feel “demoted” or something. (I’m sure that’s just her joking around. Partner doesn’t dictate what stage or if government paperwork has been filed.
Dedicated key on an azerty keyboard on tablet/laptop, or switching back to French setting on the phone. If weren’t French I woudn’t bother searching for it every time.
Honestly I use partner or spouse mostly because I can’t remember if fiance or fiancee is correct and it won’t stick in my head properly. Calling her my girlfriend makes her feel “demoted” or something. (I’m sure that’s just her joking around. Partner doesn’t dictate what stage or if government paperwork has been filed.
Fiancé is male, fiancée is female.
Do you remember the alt key for the accented e or do you type it some other way?
Dedicated key on an azerty keyboard on tablet/laptop, or switching back to French setting on the phone. If weren’t French I woudn’t bother searching for it every time.
They are pronounced the same though?? I hope??
I just stick with finance. /s