• @chaogomu
    14 months ago

    The passage is in Mathew 25. Often called the Sheep and the Goats.

    And yeah, it’s all made up with bits and pieces added later by different people, but that passage in Mathew 25 is pretty clear that you have to feed the poor, welcome the immigrant, (or the stranger as found in some translations), visit the prisoner, clothe those who need it, etc.

    And the punishment for not doing these things is everlasting punishment in the fires of hell.

    Fun fact, there’s a Cake song about this passage. Sort of.

    • @undergroundoverground
      14 months ago

      1 John 1:9 ,

      “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

      Therefore, they will be righteous and included with the sheep and never asked goat (people on the right hand side) questions.

      Like I said, its all about the fine print. Righteousness isn’t the ticket.

      • @chaogomu
        24 months ago

        Ah yes, but confession has to be sincere.

        But Supply Side Jesus thinks that money equals sincerity. And that Mathew guy sounds woke.

        Fun fact, to my understanding, Mathew 25 is the only place in the Bible that talks about eternal punishment.

        There might also be something in Revelations, but that’s all revenge fantasy about Nero.

        • @undergroundoverground
          14 months ago

          For sure, it has to be real but I would say that believing you’ll spend eternity being tortured would make any apology very sincere.

          I didn’t know that, thank you.