No video released yet but the right wing blog-sphere is already claiming it’s AI. Put on your seat-belts and keep your hands inside the car at all times.

  • @Furbag
    174 hours ago

    I’d like to see the video first. Claims of a video are pretty meaningless. It’s a lot like saying you have a concept of a plan.

    Nevertheless, I hope it’s not fucking true, because if it is true, that means some poor woman was victimized, will probably never get to see any justice because the legal system refuses to hold Trump accountable for anything, and it won’t move the needle an inch in terms of the blind deference Republicans give to Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      18 minutes ago

      And the woman in the video will be endlessly harassed by the far-right extremists regardless of who took and released the video.

    • @bitjunkie
      64 hours ago

      Child. Some poor child was sexually assaulted. We need to collectively stop with the mitigating language thing. We’re not the fucking news media.

      • @NiHaDuncan
        125 minutes ago

        Also, the assumption that SA victim = female. The article only ever says minor and any gender can be a victim.

    • @nepenthes
      53 hours ago

      I’m unfamiliar with this news site, but they must know they have to do better on sources, because this sounds like reporting on rumours.

      "Several social media users, including commentators and reporters…" (emphasis mine).

      Interesting that the right is already accusing them of potentially using deepfakes in the future. Maybe they know of something captured in video, or maybe random blanket statements of innocence are necessary with a knob end like Trump.

      I also hope no one was victimized.