• @Boddhisatva
    1236 hours ago

    He put up an ad with these two girls’ pictures and then claimed that they were transgender? What the fuck kind of thinking is that? Does he not care that his supporters would likely beat these girls to death?

    • celeste
      93 hours ago

      Based on the stuff that went on in the olympics, he’ll claim russia told him they had xy chromosomes, so everyone has to argue like that’s the absolute truth from then on.

    • @[email protected]
      476 hours ago

      He would cheer them on and say it was a blow against the “trans agenda” or something, i’m sure.

      • EleventhHour
        345 hours ago

        The trans agenda:

        • equity and equality
        • being treated like human beings, complete with dignity and respect
        • brunch
        • @NegativeInf
          104 hours ago

          There is no brunch under the heavy yoke of end stage hypercapitalism.

            • @NegativeInf
              030 minutes ago

              Oh, don’t I know it. I have to live with myself. And don’t take my comment as disagreement with you. I was just extending your joke. Brunch is a good goal. I can just never have it because work always gets in the way.

              • EleventhHour
                -11 hour ago

                What a childish thing to say.

                Pro tip: Try defending your position instead.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  045 minutes ago

                  You announce that people you disagree with are exhausting. You’ve said it to me in the past. You put no effort into defending your own positions, but demand it from others and then summarily dismiss them as exhausting.

                  Like I said, you’re easily exhausted.

                  • EleventhHour
                    121 minutes ago

                    Not at all, surprising that you blame me for your own shortcomings.

                    Grow up

      • Billiam
        5 hours ago

        "Heidi and I send our empty thoughts and useless prayers to the families of the senseless violence which I caused but will not accept responsibility for. I will continue to demonize the LGBTQ community because it scores me cheap political points with the bigoted party which I represent. I am utterly without a shred of dignity or honor but I’ll still get votes because what are you gonna do, vote for a milquetoast centrist Democrat?

        “Absolutely insincerely, Ted ‘Don’t you dare not refer to me by my preferred name’ and Heidi ‘My husband won’t stop kissing Trump’s ass since he called me ugly’ Cruz.”