• z3rOR0ne
    4 months ago

    What I love about this show, and the subsequent seasons that follow this scene (iirc this scene is the ending scene of season 2), is that Bojack does get better and he does put in the work, but what I love is that in the following season, where Bojack is trying to do the hard work, is that the show writers make a point to show that Bojack starts off with a really toxic family dynamic that puts him at a disadvantage, and makes it seemingly insurmountable to get better.

    Additionally, the show goes out of its way to point out that the character of Bojack isn’t blameless, that there are certain things he did that can not and should not ever be forgiven, and that he has to incorporate that and live with that.

    This show is a rare gem. It’s hard to watch at times because of how real it gets for what it’s like to deal with chronic depression. That sometimes you are just a shitty person, and becoming better and being better isn’t easy, and there is no one size fits all solution. But yeah, one of its many messages is that you do have to work on it, every single goddamn day.

    I like to think this scene is the complement to this one, where Bojack is confronted by his friend, Todd, about how he needs to be better, that he can’t just feel bad about his actions later and that somehow absolves him of his responsibility towards others in his life that are affected by it, and there’s not much else to say on the matter.