I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or just not using enough weed.

I’ve tried making cannabutter before but it’s a ton of work and all I get is a mild buzz. I’m experienced smoker with high tolerances but people have said that this shouldn’t be a factor with edibles because the active ingredient is different when it’s processed by your liver. This doesn’t seem true on my experience.

I don’t care about taste - I just want to get high. Yesterday I made ‘firecrackers’ with 1g of grinded bud that I had decarbed in 120C (240f) for 40 minutes. I had it covered with foil and was monitoring the temperature with electric thermometer. I then sprinked this on top of a cracker with peanut butter on it and covered it with another one. Again - after an hour I realized I was somewhere at [3] which I could’ve achieved by just smoking a joint with half of that amount of weed.

What gives?

  • @Dasus
    57 hours ago

    Are you sure your oven is actually 120c?

    It might be hotter and your cannabinoids are being vaporised?

    Try making some hot cooca. No need to decarb, as the heat from making the cocoa does that. Also, it’s liquid and fat-based, so you’re gonna get all your cannabinoids nicely mixed in there.

    The times I was the most high was when I made cocoa. Although I put in like 15x the amount I’d have smoked or something. Hash, bud, trim. (Hash I had made myself from my own plants.) I was young and the internet didn’t have as good of a cannabis culture back then.

    I only drank half and I was blitzed for a solid two days.