• @forensic_potato
    1 day ago

    That’s not what the middle class is. I’m not about to repeat myself. And the more you write on it, the more it’s clear that you don’t understand what you are talking about and never read anything on the matter but instead you’re just writing about your personal opinions on the matter. Please stop spewing the insane propaganda of “the harder you work, the richer you’ll be” and stop wasting my time

    • @[email protected]
      11 day ago

      When did I ever say it’s about hard work? You’re either born into the middle class, or you have to get lucky af. 80 hour weeks at a shit job will kill your health, not raise your socioeconomic status.

      I never said it’s something everyone can attain (I WISH it still was), but it does exist. For now. It’s shrinking hard and becoming a thing of the past though. And unfortunately mostly middle class people are dropping down to working class, rather than going up the ladder.

      Personally I aim to retire around the age of 50, or do entrepreneurship for fun after that point. Definitely don’t want to work for someone else. If I attain that and my net worth keeps rising despite me not having a job - would you still consider me working class? I know I wouldn’t consider myself to be upper class even then.

      There’s no one singular definition of middle class anyway.