I wanted to get this photo of my cat (sleeping in the window) and a treat i got for her in the same photo, when I took the photo the cat was in frame but when it processed neither were in frame completely ruining my photoshoot :(
Is there a way to,
A: get both in focus (preferred)
B: keep only 1 in focus

Also, is there any way to prevent a photo from processing? When I take a photo of a screen ex. a funny thing on a school laptop, it looks good in the camera app but when it processes it has warping lines and looks really bad. Compression might ruin it but here’s an example:

  • @TriflingToadOP
    5 months ago

    2nd photo didn’t send. Here it is:

    EDIT: yeah compression kinda removed some of it, but the horizontal and vertical lines because of the pixels is what I’m talking about.