I’m completely new to selfhosting but see a lot of potential. I wonder if anyone knows a good way to self host a notetaking app? The point is that I need to access my notes on multiple devices so self hosting them could be a nice idea. I currently use google keep and goodnotes but would like to leave those behind…

  • Milan
    4 months ago

    Hm at some point Anytype apps will be configurable for custom servers tho (i assumed they were already but i might have been wrong).

    Obsidian also has some interesting sync plugins that dont require syncthing

    • @linearchaos
      14 months ago

      The crypto is decent, it’s electron so it’s source available. If you want to ignore their hosting solution, you can disable the syncing and just take the vault from its config directory and sync it yourself

      The real downsides are that it’s not actual open source, so if they decided to screw around with the security or turn the crypto off somebody can’t just fork it.