Hi there! I hope there’s enough lurkers to get some interesting ideas here.

I just came back to the game after a year or so. I’m not really in the mood for combat at the moment so I decided to take a stab at a pacifist character for a change.

Right now I’m just traveling randomly, taking screenshots and looking for quests that can be completed without combat (even through cheesing, I’ll take what I can get). While fun, this approach means I’m probably missing things obvious to more active players so I was wondering if anyone has any fun non-combat activities to share.

The only DLC I have are Morrowind and Murkmire but I’d be interested in things available in any other expansions as well.

  • @superduperpirate
    24 months ago

    I got into crafting writs because I was looking for easy reliable sources of gold. With the craft bag and a bunch of characters, it was a pretty steady source of income. I started doing trait research to improve my chances of dropping master writs. 18/20 of my characters are full 9 trait researchers. The other 2 are 7 or 8 traits. I don’t remember for sure, since my last login was back in April.

    I did a lot of crafted gear for my characters.

    I never really got into housing, yet I still spent untold millions of gold buying furnishing plans for my main crafter to learn. I would occasionally craft stuff on request for guildmates. Someone would link a plan in guild chat, ask if anyone knew the plan, and I would sometimes be able to swap to my crafter and help out.