• MrVilliam
    5 months ago

    They’re kinda proving that those are unnecessary, though. They’re in uncanny valley and espousing literal Nazi ideology and still getting elected. At that point, why even buy lipstick for the pig in the first place? Their dog whistles have been packed up in boxes in the attic for years. Echo chambers that blame scapegoats, vilify opponents, and deify their candidates are all that is really necessary. They can literally get away with saying “well, Hitler had some good ideas too, though…” and the base will lap it up and show up to cast their ballots.

    Charisma and articulation are off-putting to their uncharismatic and inarticulate voters anyway. That might actually do more harm than good. Because “talking good is gay” or something. It’s dumb but it’s how they feel, and their feelings don’t give a fuck about facts.