The atmosphere is so heated, and the statements are getting more and more extreme. Let’s just assume Harris wins the election. After a campaign like this, how could you ever have a normal relationship with your pro-Trump neighbor/father-in-law/Uncle/Barber or what ever again?

  • @[email protected]
    2 hours ago

    Don’t assume that the majority of people who vote for Trump, are MAGA.

    Many, if not most, are the same as many Biden/Harris voters in that they hate both candidates, and are voting for who they view as the lesser of two evils.

    As I’m a Lemmy user, you can safely assume I’m not one of them, but the point stands.

    But, if you’re talking about people who have gone full on MAGA insanity, well they probably got there somewhere between 2016 and 2020, so there’s not a a ton of new converts to deal with.

    And even with then, they’re the minority of a minority.

    Of course, if someone is of the opinion that anyone who votes for Trump, no matter the reason, must be excised from their life, well that’s their choice, but I kind of pity them.

    Trump is not Hitler. He’s too lazy and stupid to be Hitler. Let’s not pretend that voting for Trump is the same as supporting Hitler, it’s not.

    He’s a piece of shit authoritarian, but on the scale of American Presidents, the areas where he deviates the most from the norm, is how stupid and crass his corruption and racism is, not that he was corrupt and racist.

    • @[email protected]
      32 hours ago

      No sane person can listen to a second of Trump and call him less evil than anyone. Anyone who votes for him is voting for a fascist state, and you’re not fooling anyone by pretending you’re not.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 hour ago

        You’re the type of liberal who actually believes Dubya is a good man, or a better president than Trump.

        Nevermind that he killed over a million people in Iraq.

        Trump is a malignant tumor, no doubt.

        But so are people who campaign alongside Dick Cheney.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 hour ago

          Good man? No. Better than Trump? Yes. That is not a high bar. As far as I am aware, Dubya didn’t cheat on his wife with a pornstar, then embezzle money to silence so he could win an election, all the while talking about taking advantage of his fame so he can molest women.

          • @[email protected]
            1 hour ago

            Well it’s good to see that a million dead Iraqis is definitely not worse than fucking pornstars and embezzlement…

            That’s dark dude, like holy shit your sense of morality and justice is so bent that I’m blown away.

    • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
      037 minutes ago

      Voting for Trump (or for any Republican candidate for elected office) is voting for one-party autocracy. Even if the individual is ethical, they will be pressured into serving the party (or removed for a more loyalist alternative). Not voting for a Democrat when there’s a Republican candidate is not voting against one party autocracy.

      Trump is not Hitler. He’s the Secret Hitler of this election. Even if he’s less bright than Hitler and less charismatic than Hitler, he’s fulfilling the same role, and the outcome will be the same, a one-party autocracy propped up by fascist enemy-within rhetoric and a massive deportation effort that will ultimately turn into a massive evacuation effort. (That is, evacuation into mass graves, or even an ash pit).

      We are on the precipice. Do not fuck around. Do not think otherwise. Do not let anyone else think otherwise. If Trump wins, the world is going to hold America’s beer while it works to enact a holocaust that dwarfs the Holocaust… unless the resistance is really good (it’s probably not) or the Allies overrun Washington (not in time).