Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro 4G. From 2022 but there are newer models. So stop saying HUR HUR WATER RESISTANCE when people ask for phones with swappable batteries. This shows it can be done.

Edit: was $120, now sold out.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      I have it too. The camera could be better but other than that I have no complaints. Coming from LG V20, going back to a device with built-in battery was simply not an option. I would have considered fairphone but they removed the headphone jack which is a dealbreaker for me.

    • @thegreatgarbo
      44 months ago

      I have fallen and landed with my full 200 pounds on the phone held in my hand grinding across 2 feet of asphalt. The scratch on the case is barely visible.

      I walk the dogs on the beach at night, dropped the phone in the surf and watched the lit screen at night in the dark washed up the beach 20 feet away from me under the wave. I’m still typing on this indestructible beast.

      You will pry my xcover pro 6 with swappable battery out of my cold dead hands.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      sent from my Xcover6 Pro.

      Replaced my xcover, which replaced my lg g5. Wish it got more love in the foss OS department. Love all the hardware features but dont love samsung. First party support for a phone like this though is a benefit