this is what scares me the most, because I need the money.

  • @MTK
    24 months ago

    It seems that everyone already answered, but I will give my perspective as well.

    It’s definitely very different for each person. Some people need the money more or less. Some people suffer more in their job or less. Some people have more options or less.

    I like to imagine a scale where on one side you have the reasons to leave and on another side you have the reasons to stay. And reasons to leave are multiplied by how many options you have outside.

    So if your job is terrible and you’re pretty financially stable and you have a lot of options for finding other jobs then the scale would lean towards leaving. Or if your job is pretty terrible, but you’re not financially stable and you don’t have a lot of options, then the scale would be pretty equal and you’ll have to take a risk.