• Carighan Maconar
    64 months ago

    I love it, but I’ll be honest I still use Cura for 99% of my slicing. Just too used to it, and since my printer isn’t controlled from the PC and I copy the gcode onto an SD card, it makes little difference to me except that Cura feels more organized in its UI.

    • @4lan
      84 months ago

      I used to agree, but once you go Orca you won’t go back. Sure you have to kinda figure out the workflow but it’s just better IMO. All the settings you use in Cura are there, plus a ton more clever settings and features.

      I might be biased because I use an MMU. Their way of handling colors is so intuitive and clear.

      • @dumbcrumb
        34 months ago

        How different is orca from prusaslicer? Orca was built from prusaslicer right?

        • @AliasVortex
          34 months ago

          Orca is forked from Bambo’s slicer which is in turn forked from prusa slicer.

          • @dumbcrumb
            14 months ago

            Ah ok. Is it better in any ways?

            • @AliasVortex
              34 months ago

              I mostly switched for the interface, it feels far more modern and easy to navigate compared to Cura and Prusa (while retaining all but the most bleeding edge features from each). Still not perfect, but I’ve found it to be leagues better at managing and swapping between multiple printers/ nozzles/ materials. It has native calibration tools for everything from temperature towers to flow rates and pressure advance. Plus it plays very nicely with Klipper. I haven’t used it a bunch on account of not being wholly set up for it, but multi color printing is also super easy. It’s kind of dumb, but I appreciate that updates actually update the app instead on installing a new instance (that I’ll have to go uninstall later, looking at you Cura) so that my “send to print utility” button in Fusions always just works. Updates also seem more substantial with meaningful features (things like scarf joints to hide layer lines come to mind), you can very much feel the love that community has poured into it. It’s open source software in all the best ways possible.

              I was pretty sold after Teaching Tech’s video last year, but a number of other channels (Lost in Tech comes to mind as well) have also done Orca slicer videos if you’re looking for reasons to give it a try.

              • @dumbcrumb
                14 months ago

                Seems pretty nice. I’ll have to check it out.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Orca has it’s charms for sure. I really like the scarf joint. But PursaSlicer still gives me the cleanest prints. But it’s drifting away from my trusty old and well used Mk3s+.

        • @4lan
          14 months ago

          Try exporting your Prusa Slicer profile into Orca. Willing to bet it will work the same