For the next three years, Google must meet the following criteria:

  • Allow third-party app stores for Android, and let those app stores distribute all the same apps as are available in Google Play (app developers can opt out of this);
  • Distribute third-party app stores as apps, so users can switch app stores by downloading a new one from Google Play, in just the same way as they’d install any app;
  • Allow apps to use any payment processor, not just Google’s 30 percent money-printing machine;
  • Permit app vendors to tell users about other ways to pay for the things they buy in-app;
  • Permit app vendors to set their own prices.

Google is also prohibited from using its cash to fence out rivals, for example, by:

  • Offering incentives to app vendors to launch first on Google Play, or to be exclusive to Google Play;
  • Offering incentives to app vendors to avoid rival app stores;
  • Offering incentives to hardware makers to pre-install Google Play;
  • Offering incentives to hardware makers not to install rival app stores.
  • Dr. Moose
    74 months ago

    The way Apple gets away with stuff makes me feel very conspiratorial. Like, how?

    How is Apple getting a pass every time and my tin foil hat would say that they are protected by the US government. Maybe because it’s just an important corporation for the US economy but maybe it’s an important corporation for US spying too.

    • Benign
      324 months ago

      US law doesn’t care what companies do to consumers. The law only cares what they do to other companies. Apple own their own hardware production and ecosystem, so they aren’t harming other companies (directly).

      No conspiracy needed.

      • Dr. Moose
        134 months ago

        Apple absolutely harms other companies to the point where are taken to court all the time.

        There’s no such thing as “their own ecosystem”

        • @WhatAmLemmy
          54 months ago

          Yes, but those companies are poorer, and have lower tier legal teams.

          Das capitalism baby!

      • @btaf45
        14 months ago

        The law only cares what they do to other companies.

        Apple doesn’t allow other companies to have their own app stores. Which google already did allow, they just didn’t make it easy to install one.

        Apple is MUCH worse in restricting app stores. It makes no sense that Apple can continue to get away with their far worse restrictions than google. On the positive side this will make Android even better and more attractive to consumers vs AOS than it already was.