It’s been a day and my parrot still has food in his bowl. Do I just replace it? Do I wait until he finishes it? How do I deal with replacing bird food?

  • Sterile_Technique
    5 months ago

    Has he eaten any of it? Some parrots will skim the surface, eating all the ‘good stuff’ they can see, but they can be dumb sometimes and don’t realize there’s more food underneath the layer of now-empty shells.

    What kind of parrot is it?

      • Sterile_Technique
        5 months ago

        Gotcha - shouldn’t be an issue with digging to get to the good stuff. That’s more of a small parrot thing with like parakeets and cockatiels.

        If he’s eating some I’d just keep an eye on him. Fresh stuff you don’t want to sit for very long, but seeds and pellets can stay in a dish practically indefinitely until they’re eaten.

        If he’s not eating at all, or less than normal, vet ASAP. Parrots are REALLY good at hiding symptoms, so any sickness that’s bad enough to make a noticeable change in their behavior means it’s already gotten pretty bad.

        For food, just make sure he’s got a good mix - fruits, veggies, nuts, pellets… I’ve never had a macaw, so I’d look up any diet weirdness for them specifically, but in general, variety is good.