Reddit enrages users again by ditching thank-you coins and awards::Reddit, which is still dealing with the fallout from its last controversial decision, said it plans to phase out coins and awards.

    • @whatsarefoogee
      352 years ago

      As someone who would never pay for reddit coins or premium, it’s still pretty easy to identify with them.

      They paid for a product and now it’s being removed with no compensation or refund. That’s total bullshit regardless of what the product was.

      • @FinalBoy1975
        32 years ago

        It’s hard for me to identify with them because it’s just not very smart to pay money for that kind of crap. I don’t buy stuff that can be taken away like that. It is true that nothing lasts forever, but digital doo-dads only last as long as the web site you bought them on. I hope they learned their lesson. I doubt they did. People pay for this stuff every day on web sites. Cosmetic stuff for avatars, special edition avatars, little award thingies, blah blah blah. It’s all a waste. It’s very easy for people to say, “eh, it’s only a dollar” or “eh, it’s only 50 cents” or “meh, it’s only 5 bucks” but if you repeatedly spend money on those things it adds up. So, do I feel bad for these outraged people? No, I don’t. They should smarten up and stop wasting money.

      • @Pika
        32 years ago

        sounds like an easy chargeback claim if that’s the case, “service not rendered/doesn’t exist anymore” might lose the acct out of it but who really cares at this point

    • @[email protected]
      302 years ago

      I hated the “coin culture” with a passion (hey, look, it’s Bill Gates, let’s give him tons of paid emoticons he won’t care about!), but it’s clear this move is part of Reddit’s further enshittification. You can bet whatever replaces coins will be even shittier, and I think Reddit’s users know it.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I can’t identify with giving reddit money but I can sympathize with people who were saving monthly coins they paid for. Seriously, it has to be deliberate now. Why piss off your most loyal, paying customers? Is it a test?

      • @FinalBoy1975
        72 years ago

        Yeah, it’s a mystery to me how much money they got from these types of things. It’s a company that is supposedly not profitable, yet there is online rage about something some people bought. It makes me wonder about so much. First, I had no idea so many people payed money for these things. Second, Reddit wants us to believe, through legal loophole magic and accounting, that it is not profitable.

    • @[email protected]
      162 years ago

      Yea I think the outrage is or should be directed at removing the already given awards. Just to go and wipe everything is not a great idea

      • SSTF
        62 years ago

        Especially gold. The other awards were arguably bloat, but gold was iconic to reddit. All those classic posts now missing their gold seems wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          32 years ago

          Sometimes prepaying is the more frugal option, since there’s usually a discount for buying in bulk. As of January of this year, I wouldn’t have believed you if you had told me that Reddit was going to do something so egregious that I would permanently stop browsing there.

          • @FinalBoy1975
            02 years ago

            Any kind of paying for this kind of junk, whether it’s prepay or not, is a waste of money and people should just stop doing it. There are far better things to do with money than to buy some digital thing-a-ma-bob that is useless and can disappear any old time at the whim of the web site owner. I mean, I could make the same argument about knickknacks, because they’re silly and collect dust. However, a web site can’t remove them from your house. So, even a knickknack that collects dust is a better purchase than digital coins and awards and all that other bullshit.

    • @_number8_
      32 years ago

      i used coins basically as a bookmark feature for great posts; it was nice to give a treat to a good poster as well. so incredibly stupid they’re destroying the site like this