I know you’re out there! If you’re part of /c/TransLater, make yourself heard!

Maybe some questions will help.

Tell us your name and where are you from? Maybe a bit about yourself

What do you enjoy spending your time on?

How have things been going as you navigate the combination of “Trans” and “Later” in your life?

What’s a question you have for other folk in the sub?

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    Hi, I’m (provisionally - I haven’t really decided yet) Pip from the UK, mid-30s. I had my “egg crack” moment a few years ago right at the start of the pandemic and I’ve been waiting for an appointment with a UK gender service for 4 years until I finally got my first appointment the other week.

    I’ve been in self denial this whole time, tried to ignore things, push it all to the back and it is clear that isn’t a healthy approach, it isn’t something that will “go away” by itself.

    I have a second appointment coming up in a few weeks where I will potentially get an actual diagnosis of dysphoria or incongruence and finally get some help. However the first appointment made it really clear I have an awful long way to go with self acceptance.

    I’ve tried joining a few trans communities but, and this isn’t meant to be an insult to anyone - I’m happy they are comfortable in expressing themselves, I find it really hard to relate to all the uwu, catgirl, eepy stuff to the point where it makes me feel uncomfortable. Not in a judgemental way, it is clearly related to my own lack of self-acceptance and my self hatred but at times it makes me feel like it isn’t serious, other times it makes me feel like an outsider and makes me question myself even more.

    I’m really looking for a group to have a slightly more mature discussion with, as fun as the memes and the “femcel” stuff is I just want to feel and speak in a way I’m more accustomed to.

    • AdaOPM
      4 months ago

      Welcome, and congrats on navigating NHS!

      As for navigating trans culture, it can be quite alienating sometimes as an older trans person who grew up with a very different exposure to gender diversity. But what you’re seeing are the new generations, navigating gender diverse identities, but with more freedom than you or I were ever afforded. We missed out on our own queer culture, because it mostly wasn’t allowed to exist, and when it did, it existed on the terms of a queerphobic society. The folk following us aren’t free from that queerphobia either, but they’re less defined and constrained by it.

      I think all we can do is try and be happy that we have a culture at all, even if it’s sometimes an odd fit for those of us that predate it

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Thank you, I don’t think I meant for it to sound quite as bitter or judgy but yes, there is absolutely an element of jealousy in that they have a freedom of expression that was just never acceptable to us. I’m happy it exists even if I do struggle to relate to it.