Meme: Sad Pablo Escobar meme moping around

Caption: Me waiting for the hot water to reach the sink every morning

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    Oh wow, gross, but therefore thanks for sharing!:-)

    Man, even if you boil the water… that sounds no bueno… People act like humans live “better” lives than those from 100 years ago, as if well water wasn’t fresher and cleaner than what crap we get out of our tap. Tbf, vaccines exist now and that’s HUGE (well… for those that choose to take them), but in other ways we’ve gone backwards or at least sidewise rather than forward.

    • Jay
      24 months ago

      To be fair a lot of wells didn’t/don’t have good water either but we were not very good at testing or noticing that kind of thing until people started dropping.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        It might be information overload but like… it seems hard to imagine people finding out that their wells were bad to drink from, and then simply deciding not to care. Though, that’s probably naive and it’s likely always been this way.