It’s also implied that she engages in statutory rape.

She’s unaware of Josh’s real age though, so I don’t know the legal or moral implications.

  • Dr. WeskerOP
    104 months ago

    Solid assessment.

    I think the closest legal grounds we have would be when an adult that has the mental capacity of a child is the victim. Of course this isn’t the same scenario, and all tangible evidence is lost when Josh returned to his normal body.

    • Rhaedas
      104 months ago

      Any questionable acts would happen after the movie’s end. My thoughts have always been what the effects were to Susan once she saw he was telling the truth. We don’t even really get that short of the look of amazement, and maybe shock on her face.

      • Drusas
        104 months ago

        I’d imagine she would be the one feeling violated here.