• @SulaymanF
    14 months ago

    And you have privilege to say your issues overrule actual human lives. What’s another 50,000 dead Palestinians to you?

    Personally I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night voting for someone who had a hand in that mountain of dead children, but you seem fine to ignore atrocities committed in your name.

    Don’t blame me, blame Harris for being unwilling to even say something on the issue without walking it back. Nobody is stopping her.

    • @FinishingDutch
      4 months ago

      Look at history. The 2003 Iraq war and subsequent occupation resulted in at least 150.000 deaths, at the absolute lowest estimate. The biggest estimate is over a million.

      Afghanistan? 176.000

      Gulf War? 50.000

      Yugoslav war? 130.000

      Vietnam War? 970.000 to 3 million.

      And those are conflicts that the US was directly involved in with boots on the ground. Few people lost sleep over any of those civilian casualties. Could you even point to Kosovo on a map?

      What’s another 50.000 dead Palestinians you ask? A rounding error on a footnote of history. It’s a statistic. And that’s ignoring the fact that this is happening in another country with only indirect US support.

      People SHOULD care about the Palestinians. But it’s just not relevant to the day to day lives of average Americans.

      • @SulaymanF
        4 months ago

        This is as short sighted as the president in Don’t Look Up, who was more frustrated about how the giant comet heading to earth was disrupting her election and not about the impending extinction.

        What kind of nonsense argument are you making? There were massive protests against these in the US, involving millions of Americans. Millions of Americans protested the Vietnam war, millions protested the Iraq war. There’s protests in every city about Gaza and wall to wall news coverage as it consumed the public attention. I’ve been to all these protests except the Vietnam one.

        And it’s not “indirect” support. Biden sent troops into Gaza for that hostage rescue mission and increased troops in the region and has Air Force planes shooting down missiles. That’s also with the US shipping nearly all the bombs dropped in Gaza and using the UN to veto ceasefires. Anyone pretending the US isn’t involved is lying.

        It’s sad that the millions of Arab Americans and Muslim Americans don’t count to you. This is a daily issue for us, I’ve gone to the funerals for relatives and watched as CNN aired that Ryan Girdusky character who said Mehdi Hasan should be blown up. That’s mild compared to what we have heard given the last year of Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism and surge in hate crimes. Again, you have such privilege and talk down to others.

        • @nomous
          14 months ago

          You know what’ll end it real quick? Electing a fascist who’ll give Israel the OK to glass the entire fucking middle east and ship them the nukes to do it.

          And you have the gall to call someone else short sighted, single issue voter.

          • @SulaymanF
            14 months ago

            You would have had a point if I ever once said I prefer Trump. You seem to be scolding someone other than me.

            • federal reverse
              04 months ago

              It’s Harris or Trump. If you’re spreading content designed to demotivate potential Harris voters days before the election, congratulations, you’re doing Trump’s bidding. I hope you’re at least getting paid.

          • @SulaymanF
            04 months ago

            Well it’s a moot point now, since everyone in north Gaza will be dead before New Years. We don’t even have to worry about who comes after Biden. Now that he’s a lame duck he won’t even take action to save the Gaza civilians. What excuse does he have left?