• @DarthJon
      04 months ago

      I understand that employee-owned companies exist (though I think it’s rather telling that I haven’t heard of any of them) but I thought this was a model for economic policy at the societal level. Those companies all exist within a capitalist economy.

      • J Lou
        14 months ago

        The idea is to mandate worker coop structure on all firms.

        It’s not that telling. Without a worker coop mandate, there are collective action problems and market failures. It’s harder for all the workers to cooperate to form a worker coop than an employer to hire up all the workers.

        No society has a full worker coop mandate because the modern arguments for it were published in the 90s. Some countries do mandate some worker board representation and codetermination though

        • @DarthJon
          04 months ago

          Mandating it doesn’t seem to be consistent with individual liberty, though.

          Forgive me for being pragmatic about this, but if this was such a good idea and consistent with the interests of the people, you wouldn’t have to mandate it. This is how things would be done.

          • J Lou
            14 months ago

            Political democracy also mandates legal non-transferability for voting rights. Would you allow people to sell or transfer their voting rights?

            People prefer democratic firms: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/what-do-americans-want-from-private-government-experimental-evidence-demonstrates-that-americans-want-workplace-democracy/D9C1DBB6F95D9EEA35A34ABF016511F4

            A mandate doesn’t restrict any non-institutionally-described action as labor is de facto non-transferable. It only prevents fraudulently treating de facto responsible persons as legal non-responsible things.

            Are we free when we can sell our freedom or when we can’t even if we want to?


            • @DarthJon
              -14 months ago

              The only system compatible with full liberty is anarchy. But you stated that economic democracy is libertarian, and then proceeded to call for it to be mandated. Mandates are authoritarian, not libertarian.

              • J Lou
                14 months ago

                Today’s legal systems mandate that legal responsibility be non-transferable for crimes. The economic democracy position argues that legal responsibility should be generally non-transferable matching general non-transferability of de facto responsibility due to the principle of justice that legal and de facto responsibility should match. Not all mandates are authoritarian (e.g. a mandate that one must respect others’ personal property). Employment violates workers’ property rights
