We’ve been down this road before.
We’ve been down this road before.
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Oh no, the Israeli soccer fans tore down a flag and chanted some rude things - they deserve to be hunted and beaten.
WTF do you think the Jewish community around the world has been dealing with for the past 14 months???
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Accusing Israel of weaponizing the Holocaust to perpetrate “genocide” against the Palestinians is thinly veiled antisemitism.
Leftist propaganda drivel.
LOL brilliant
Really? You’re going to reference Wikipedia (which has been taken over by anti-Zionist activists) and Al Jazeera? Come on. Maybe learn some actual history before you start spewing your opinions on a 100-year old conflict.
LOL, do you think posting links from obscure left-wing websites is going to convince me?
Oh by the way, it’s kind of racist to suggest that Palestinians only know how to respond to violence by becoming terrorists.
CBC, BBC…it figures. Both are very left-wing organizations with a strong anti-Israel bias.
Isreal could have ended their border threat decades ago by NOT KILLING CIVILIANS.>
You mean like when they withdrew from Gaza and handed it over to the Palestinians in 2005? How did that work out? Or maybe you’re referring to 1973, when Arab nations invaded on the holiest day in the Jewish religion and almost succeeding in destroying Israel? Or perhaps you’re referring to 1948…oh no wait, that’s when Arab countries invaded Israel immediately after it declared independence. I’m noticing a pattern here, aren’t you?
That’s “literally” not what happened, which proves you’re just another progressive who knows nothing about the history and just mindlessly repeats the propaganda you’re fed.
And “they could have just stayed home” is either horribly ignorant or callously insensitive, and I’m guessing it’s the former.
Have you considered that if Arabs hadn’t been engaged in a futile attempt to murder Jews and destroy Israel, the past 75 years of violence would have been avoided?
Parroting propaganda.
The only claim that was exaggerated was the beheaded babies. People saw something, jumped to a conclusion, and the story blew up.
There was sexual violence on 10/7 and you can absolutely guarantee that hostages have been raped. And no, “a lot” of the hostages and soldiers weren’t killed by IDF. A small number might have been.
LOL birthday cakes and shopping. So fucking brainwashed.
Calling a poster an “absolute dipshit” must violate the rules, unless it’s only people who don’t conform to the Marxist leanings of this site that get punished.
I’m saying the anti-Zionist movement is FULL of propaganda. Perhaps you’ve heard of the term “Pallywood.” Social media is littered with AI generated photos, staged videos, clipped and edited videos, whatever is necessary to make Israel look evil. The only video of a “gang rape” I ever saw was one that didn’t actually show a rape at all, and there was a very sensible explanation for what was actually happening in the video. Is that the video we’re talking about?
I didn’t say that, I simply pointed out the double-standard.
Believe women…unless they’re Israeli, right?
There is no video of gang rape in that link.
I’m well aware of the definition of genocide. My point was that the threshold for accusing Israel of genocide is very, very low.
Funny how people are so quick to accept anything people say about what Israel does but then turn around and argue about the evidence from 10/7.
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