Democrats present a weak front against strongmen opponents and are surprised when they lose voters who don’t trust the Dems to protect them from autocrats

  • shoulderoforion
    112 months ago

    I mean, it’s a logical argument, all except for the fact Trump has been on his knees servicing Vladimir Putin for the past 8 years, whilst Joe Biden has been giving Vlad bloody noses through Ukraine since Russia invaded.

    Republicans vote for Trump, who is friends with Tyrants and Autocrats because they’re the only people he understands, and respects.

    • niftyOP
      2 months ago

      I am not saying I agree with the article, but I am trying to understand the psychology behind why elections are razor thin even when the Republican candidate is immensely incompetent and unqualified. I think this support is from consistent and strong messaging, which the Dems can lack. Ultimately people want to feel safe against the unknown, economic or otherwise. I am saying the Dems can be stronger about that messaging, I am not saying the Dems need to become autocratic or strongmen.

      • shoulderoforion
        22 months ago

        And I agree with all your points 100%, Democrats do not fight for Democracy with near as much intensity as Republican have fought to destroy it, and there are quite a lot of voters who value the projection of brute strength over diplomatic informed intelligent logical arguments