Please be a little specific in your plan, not just “travel”. Where do you want to travel ?

  • 2ugly2live
    5 months ago

    I’m assuming money is not an option?

    Learn shit. Painting class, cooking class, poetry, random community college shit. Hire a language tutor if I could. And I’d hire a personal trainer and chef, since I’d have time to try and work on myself. Maybe a coding boot camp if I can keep up, so I can come back with a whole new career. I think I’d make that my goal. Dabble in as many things as I can to see what I like. And I also just like learning random shit.

    When I have three months left, I’ll take a trip to visit all the places I’ve been interested in moving to. I’d hope to come back healthier and smarter, in some way.

    I would also leave myself two weeks to just be before I had to go back to real life.