From The Raptor Center

We recently admitted a very special patient into TRC’s hospital; only the 4th of its species in our 50 year history. This hatch-year raptor is the elusive American barn owl, a species of owl not commonly found in Minnesota. It is a rare treat to receive a call to help save one in need.

The young barn owl was patient 964 on our road to admitting the 1,000th patient of 2024; we are on track to possibly have the busiest year in our 50-year history. This owl came to our hospital after we received a call about a bird who struck a window in Edina and was on the finder’s balcony unable to fly away.

A thorough examination by our veterinarian staff found that the barn owl was experiencing acute head trauma, meaning a few days of “bed” rest, fluids, nutrition, and pain medication was all our owl needed to make a full recovery.

Before being cleared for release, we examined the young owl’s flight and endurance. Hatch-year barn owls can travel hundreds of miles from their families’ nest in search of nesting territory of their own. We released this barn owl back to the wild where you might just hear that iconic screech haunting the night sky this Halloween.

    • @Flummoxed
      44 months ago

      He looks so bashful in this one… So adorable.

      • anon6789OP
        34 months ago

        "You promise you’re not going to tell anyone about this…riiiiiight???’ 🥺