While researching good PSP games to play I found many posts about Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and other Monster Hunter games. They are beloved by the community but after doing some reading/watching it’s not clear to me what the appeal is. I would appreciate if someone could tell what the goal is and what you love about the game. Apparently they are very long games (I think I read 100 hours or something along those lines) which is really great if I can get into a single game for that long. Thank you!

  • @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    It’s basically a third person hunting game. With giant monsters.

    Your goal is to get gud and kill the biggest baddist monsters in the land. While getting up to that point you can make better and unique equipment from the monsters you’ve slain. There’s item crafting too, from basic health items to different types of bullets to bait and even traps. You can also buy most of the stuff too. There a ton of armor and weapon types to learn how to use.

    All the animals in the game have their own “routine”, seasons and parts of the landscape they’ll be in and travel around. Learning thier moves and how to kill them is the main chunk of the gameplay.

    If any of that sounds interesting I’d check it out. Each game has different weapon types in it. I’ve played Tri and I think one on PSP.