Yeah this is normal?

Imagine living like this.

Oh wait school children EVERY FUCKING DAY.

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
    3 months ago

    Kuınd v ė metėfoṙ f “it’ſ f ſelf difenſ” mentælitı i djenrėl. Hz riſpȯnſ t pṙſıvd deıŋdjṙ ƿėz to ėbændėn Hz fæmilı, hu ƿṙ þıėreticėlı i deıŋdjṙ, t g t ð pleıſ ƿeıṙ ð þret ƿėz þıėretikėlı æt itſ greıtiſt, æ teık ð tuım t ſet himſelf u̇p t æmbᵫc ſėmwėn hu hæd ėpeırintlı kėm t hu̇nt Hm daun ſpeſifikėlı.

    H did evrı þıŋ æktcuėl fuıṙaṙmz onṙz aṙ tȯt t n d i ė deıŋdjṙėſ ſitcueıcėn. Uı’m ſṙpruızd Hz on bȯdıgaṙdz did’n kil Hm aut v cıṙ egzæſpṙeıcėn buı ð tuım hı left ð gȯlf koṙſ!


    Kind of a metaphor for “it’s for self defense” mentality in general. His response to perceived danger was to abandon his family, who were theoretically in danger, to go to the place where the threat was theoretically at its greatest, and take the time to set himself up to ambush someone who had apparently come to hunt him down specifically.

    He did every thing actual firearms owners are taught to not do in a dangerous situation. I’m surprised his own bodyguards didn’t kill him out of sheer exasperation by the time he left the golf course!

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      I bloody knew it, this was always attention seeking/trolling and the “using old linguistic” stuff was bullshit.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        -103 months ago

        Y did’n no cit, æ yoṙ rıækcėn dju̇ſt co’z Uı ƿėz entuıṙlı kėrekt ėbaut hau Y luzṙz wᵫd rıækt t enı ėmaunt v ėkȯmėdeıcėn f yoṙ frædjil litṙeırı ſenſitivitı.


        You didn’t know shit, and your reaction just shows I was entirely correct about how you losers would react to any amount of accomodation for your fragile literary sensitivity.

        Rıd ð buyo, blȯk æ muv ȯ if it tcrulı ėfendz Y ðæt gȯdam mu̇tc.


        Read the bio, block and move on if it truly offends you that goddamn much.